Migrating the docbase from 4.2 to 5.2.x, or using dump and load from 5.2. to 5.2 docbase where the target server already has docbases.
The error message is:
Failure to complete Crypto Objects initializatin" error
Since each Content Server instance has one and ONLY one AEK.key then migrating a docbase or using dump and load to a target server which already has docbase, will cause the migrated docbase not to start because it is going to use different AEK.key.
Many support notes suggest to move the dbpassword.txt and then run dm_encrypt_password. This procedure would work if you are migrating the docbase to an empty docbase server, however, if this is not the case then you need to follow the resolution below:
1. Shutdown all the docbase on the target server
2. Backup the database
3. Rename the AEK file or rename it and move it some where else
4. From sql on the database update dm_docbase_config_s set i_crypto_key = ' '.
5. from sql: SQL> select r_object_id from dmi_vstamp_s where i_application = 'dm_docbase_config_crypto_key_init';
6. delete from dmi_object_type where r_object_id = 'returned r_object_id from above';
7. SQL> commit;
8. SQL> delete from dmi_vstamp_s where r_object_id = 'returned r_object_id from step above'
9. SQL> commit;
10. run this file from $DM_HOME/bin: dm_crypto_create
11. - To re-encrypt the dbpasswd.txt file do the following
cd $DM_HOME/bin
12. dm_encrypt_password -docbase
13. You need to do all modification on the database for each docbase
14. Startup the docbases.
Can I Cahnge the SCS password on Target? Because some security reason we have to change the Password.
Give suggestion for the same.
I am migrating from 5.2.5 to 5.3 and I get the following error:
[DM_CONTENT_E_GDCDS_NO_ACS_CRYPTO_KEY]error: "Cannot get the ACS Cryptographic key for Distributed Content. This is expected during docbase creation and the ACS Cryptographic system will be initialized by each session as needed. This error is unexpected once docbase creation is complete. Status = 0"
We have followed the steps you mentioned above but still the error persists. Please advice.
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