Note: There is no built-in functionality for automatically recording workflow history, this tip illustrates one way to do it.
On completion of the workflow the name of the last action owner of each activity is added to attributes of the documents in the workflow package. In this example, the document attached to the workflow has attributes that can hold information about who created, designed, draft-checked and engineering-checked the document.
To use this example, do the following:
1. Create one workflow with at least 4 activities
"Draft Check"
"Eng Check"
2. Create a new object type and add the following string attributes
3. Create a text file containing the method code. ( see below)
4. Create a method which runs this code. (see below)
5. At end of the workflow add one activity item, set it as an automatic running activity run by dm_docbse owner and add the method object described in this example.
method code
' main code for workflow history.
' Create a text file and save it to c:\WF_History.txt.
' ****************************************************
Sub WF_History (ByVal stub1 As String, _
ByVal docbase As String, _
ByVal stub2 As String, _
ByVal user As String, _
ByVal stub3 As String, _
ByVal workItemId As String, _
ByVal stub4 As String, _
ByVal ticket As String, _
ByVal stub5 As String, _
ByVal mode As String)
On Error GoTo WF_History_Error
Dim clientX As Object 'dfclib.DfClientX
Dim client As Object 'IDfClient
Dim PersObject as Object 'IDfPersistentObject
Dim doc As Object
Dim docIdObj As Object
Dim docIdStr As String
Dim errorMsg as String
Dim packageCollection As Object
Dim session As Object 'IDfSession
Dim workItem As Object
Dim workItemIdObj As Object
Dim objID as String 'object as string
Dim SessID as String 'session id as string
Dim ObjName as String 'object name
Dim err_msg as String
Dim query as string
Dim workitem_id as string
Dim workflow_id as string
Dim process_id as string
Dim wf_activity_id as string
Dim index as integer
Dim activity_group (4,3) as string
' WF History Variable setting
' This array holds the 4 phases of the workflow that we are going to
' hold hostory data for. It holds the names of the attributes where the
' user names will be written to, it also stores the user names to be written.
activity_group(0,0) = "Approval"
activity_group(1,0) = "Design"
activity_group(2,0) = "Draft Check"
activity_group(3,0) = "Eng Check"
activity_group(0,1) = "approved"
activity_group(1,1) = "created_by"
activity_group(2,1) = "checked"
activity_group(3,1) = "engineered"
workitem_id = workItemId
' Connection
' Get a session.
errorMsg = "Connecting to docbase"
sessionId = dmAPIGet("connect," & docbase & "," & user & "," & ticket)
If Basic.OS = ebWin32 Then
Set clientX = CreateObject("Documentum.Dfc")
Set clientX = CreateObject("")
End If
Set client = clientX.getLocalClient()
Set session = client.adoptDMCLSession(sessionId)
' Gets the process_id from the current
' workflow by using the workitem's ID supplied to the method.
' get dm_process id from the active workitem
Set PersObject = session.newObject("dmi_workitem")
' this method returns a IDfPersistentObject of type dm_document)
query="dmi_workitem where r_object_id = '" & workitem_id & "'"
set PersObject = session.getObjectByQualification(query)
workflow_id = PersObject.getString("r_workflow_id")
query="dm_workflow where r_object_id = '" & workflow_id & "'"
set PersObject = session.getObjectByQualification(query)
process_id = PersObject.getString("process_id")
' Get the user names of the users who last owned each activity in the workflow.
' Itterate through the workflow phases defined in the activity_group
' array and get the full name of the LAST PERSON WHO OWNED THAT ACTIVITY. This
' user name is written into element i,2 of the activity_group array.
' It looks in the repeating attribute r_act_name on the dm_process object for the
' value that matches the required activity. Using this repeating atribute index
' it can look in the matched pair attribute r_act_def_id for the object ID of the
' related workitem
' It then looks up the performer name from the workitem and gets the fullname
' from the dm_user record. Neat.
for i = 0 to ubound (activity_group) -1
query="dm_process where r_object_id = '" & process_id & "'"
set PersObject = session.getObjectByQualification(query)
index = PersObject.findString("r_act_name", activity_group(i,0))
wf_activity_id = PersObject.getRepeatingString("r_act_def_id",index)
'get workitem id
query = "dmi_workitem where r_act_def_id = '" & wf_activity_id & _
"' order by r_creation_date DESC"
set PersObject = session.getObjectByQualification(query)
' Get the short user name from this workitem
activity_group(i,2) = PersObject.getString("r_performer_name")
' get the full user name
query = "dm_user where user_name = '" & activity_group(i,2) & "'"
set PersObject = session.getObjectByQualification(query)
activity_group(i,2) = PersObject.getString("description")
set PersObject = nothing
next i
' Acquire workitem
' Get work item id object.
errorMsg = "Getting work item id object"
Set workItemIdObj = clientX.getId(workItemId)
' Get work item object.
errorMsg = "Getting work item object"
Set workItem = session.GetObject(workItemIdObj)
' Acquire the work item only when mode = "0" for not restarting.
If mode = "0" Then
errorMsg = "Acquiring work item"
End If
' Package Handling
' We are going to write the attribute info back to the Documents inside the
' package, so we need to get this out of the package.
' Get the packaged document
errorMsg = "Getting packages from work item"
Set packageCollection = workItem.getPackages("")
While packageCollection.Next
objID = packageCollection.getString("r_component_id")
Set docIdObj = clientX.getId(objID)
Set doc = session.GetObject(docIdObj)
' Set object attributes for each document in this package.
errorMsg = "Set values " + objID
for i = 0 to ubound (activity_group) -1
ret= doc.setString (activity_group(i,1), activity_group(i,2))
next i
' Completion of workitem
' Complete the workitem. Assume there is
' only one output port for this task.
errorMsg = "Completing work item"
set PersObject = nothing
set doc = nothing
set docIdObj = nothing
set clientX = nothing
set client = nothing
set session = nothing
set workItem = nothing
set workItemIdObj = nothing
set packageCollection = nothing
Exit Sub
Print errorMsg
dmExit (100)
End Sub
Code to create server method
' dm_method creation script file.
dmbasic -eWF_History
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